streda 22. júna 2011

past, presence, future are purified with love

evil do not exist, everything is connected, love is everywhere. In the beginning everything was created from love, also the illusion of evil, just for lessons, snakes love us, snake love goddess. i live in eden although my eyes lie me, my eyes and my sences are connected to collective un/conscioussnes, i hope people start to see the world from their third eye and world will start to change to eden and our sences will connect with love. fear,pain and suffering are bygone.

nevedomy boh neexistuje, ked vytvoril strom s plodmi vsetkeho dobreho a zleho vedel ze sam chce prezit vsetko zlo aby sa stal citlivejsim a mohol si uzit NAPLNO precitit lasku ktoru stvoril ako najvyssie dobro vsetkych vesmirov. Preto je take dolezite vazit si kazdu prekazku v zivote, kazdu bolest, kazde trapenie...stavame sa citlivejsimi, to si treba uvedomit, treba sa zbavit zatrpknutosti a v hlbokom uvedomeni otvorit svoje srdce, ktore tuzi a pripravuje sa na prival svetla od Boha.

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